Go Forward

                  Act Now
L   a   t   e   r
                                                    - Samuel French bookstore, LA

Internationally recognized attorney Gerry Spence maintains that a successful lawyer must always “be real, be who you are.  If you’re nervous be nervous…  If you’re confident, then be so, because whatever you are, that is what the jury will trust.  Because we only trust who we first believe.”  

                     "We shall not cease from exploration
                      And the end of all our exploring
                      Will be to arrive where we started
                      And know the place for the first time."
                                                                                T.S. Eliot

  (To me this is a Zen concept, although I feel safe in saying I'm not at all sure Eliot would have known that.)

"Our worst fear is not that we are inadequate; our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us."

Nelson Mandela

"I consider that the greatest mission of the motion picture is first to make people happy, to bring joy and cheer and wholesome goodwill in this world of ours. And God knows we need it."


"The moment one definitely commits oneself, then Providence moves too. Whatever you can do or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."

Thomas A. Edison

The Science of Mind

“To tell all is not to tell a tale. Getting the facts straight is not enough to find the story to which they belong. In fact, getting the facts straight is a very different activity from that of finding a story that can be “faithful” to the facts.”

James P Carse: “Losing the Way Is The Way”

“God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and the Wisdom to know the difference.

Serenity Prayer

During the making of a film in 1920 with the great director D.W.Griffith, Lillian Gish remembers floating down the river on an ice floe in the middle of winter: “Mr. Griffith kept shouting at me, ‘Look into the camera! Look into the camera!’ But I couldn’t. I had icicles on my eyelids.”

Speaking of “The Method”

Shakespeare in Love ultimately works because it marries high ideals with common purpose. Like no one before or since, Shakespeare sealed the joint between art and entertainment, between great thought and good fun.”

John Griffin

The Gazette – Montreal

“Just because they say ‘Action’, doesn’t mean you have to do anything.”

Marlon Brando

"When you make a film, you must forget anybody is ever going to see it. Just make it. Just stay true to it."

John Houston, Director/Actor

“Everything stems from some incredible core inside him. What comes out is uniquely his own.”

Sydney Lumet, Director on Al Pacino

“…the willingness to go emotionally naked and the control to do it in character.”

Pauline Kael, Critic on John Travolta in “Blow-Out”

“Book lovers never go to bed alone.”


“Always act in your own person.”


“Do you prefer that you be right or happy?”

“A Course In Miracles”

“It takes courage to grow up and turn out to be who you really are.”

e.e. cummings